
angry (1) busted (1) caught (1) cheating (1) communication (1) Dating (1) done (1) doubts (1) fed up (1) finished (1) hurt (1) Love (1) needs (1) over (1) patient (1) people (1) poem (1) real talk (2) red flags (1) relationships (3) shade (1) tired (1)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

" wHY Her? "

I have seen numerous posts, talk and reality shows about infidelity they even have a dedicated show about it " Cheaters " and it never ceases to amaze me. Nearly, the same outcome in nearly every scenario.
The man / woman cheats gets busted and not the offender gets attacked but, the third party.

 "Uh, Really?" Why Her/  Why direct your anger towards the participating party? It takes two.  First of all, I am on record her.e I am in know way condoning violence in any form  especially, behind stupidity. I just think, the anger is directed at the wrong person. First and foremost it is the person in the relationship who is primarily at fault because they " know better".  I would suspect that 9 out of 10 cheaters have used some sort of deception to lure the other participant into a situation unbeknownst to them not realizing until, eek! They get caught.

Some of them. Yes, that right. They aren't all innocent, let's not get it twisted. Mama, didn't raise no fool. Some of them know, some of them had a plan, especially, if your man /woman is on the round part of the silver spoon (pockets a little fatter than most) I call these "Pickers" they'll pick a few to come to one that is nice and ripe "Ca Ching!'; some of them know that your man is open to looking for the next best thing and always on the upgrade I call these "Prowlers" they linger in the right places . In which case, Honey, you know this too do not act like you don't so you better keep your game tight. (We'll save that for another topic.)
Some of them, have peeped your man and they know, he's true but they are destined to break him I call these "Vultures" they are just waiting for the right time they are on a search & destroy mission.

I am sure you see where I am getting at. Don't be so quick to react; let's think before we react put out your detective cap and investigate be smart because, if you decide to forgive and forget then you need to ensure your heart, your emotions are not trampled over again. 
"Me" I have a no tolerance policy but, hey that's just me. I'm just keeping it real. I think, A person it's just to many people in the world.
man / woman should value themselves more than to put up with someones shenanigans . Do not sell yourself short.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

You Hurt me? Did I let you?

Is Love suppose to Hurt? Why is it that, the ones we Love so much, are seemingly, the very one that hurt us so much???? How much should we Tolerate?? and just how patient should we be?

Sometimes, we as women find ourselves being overly patient and in miserable situations or relationships... at the expense of our own happiness. No, love is not suppose to hurt.
 Why is it that? 
When it comes to voicing our needs, wants or putting are foot down - we simply don't but, we should. The best advice is to "Know exactly what you want!" 

No if's and's or buts, do not Settle. That, right there is what gets us in trouble, we tell ourselves, I guess, I can deal with that; He'll change.
You do not have to "deal" with anything or anyone that is a choice that "you" choose to make and Uhh..No, he won't change!
Let me re-phase that people are capable of change the question is,..Why should/would he change for you?
Which brings us back to the topic "Why is it that, the ones we love so much, are seemingly, the very ones that hurt us?"
Frankly, because we sure can pick'em. 
I love the quote:

       " When people show you who they are believe them the first time. "
         - Maya Angelou

We just tend to overlook/ignore those red flags; and 9 times out of 10 you can see the flags more clearly if, you know what you want. those character malfunctions I call them will stand out. How patient should we be? That depends on how much time you got. Me. I don't like wasting my time and I have little patience for fools.

I'm Tired



But what if that's not enough
It's like thru all the bullshyt 
I'm always trying to act tough
I'm tired of pretending 
That I don't give a damn 
letting it pass
Trying, pretend it's no big deal 

" I don't even know you. "
I'm tired of wondering 
And guessing,
How you really feel 
Thinking that you care 
But really you don't;
I don't know the deal 
No one can compete 
With who I made you out to be 
In my image 
In my heart 
You were painted, Perfectly 
And I'm tired 
Of pretending 
That I know who you are 
Of telling myself -
You alone 
Could heal my scars 
So tired of that fact 
That we only ever get "this" far 
So, is this as good as it gets 
After all this time? 
Because,  after everything 
That we've been thru 

Of pretending 
One day it'll all be fine 
Because, "it" is a lie 
I'm tired, of us never even working out 
Of being vulnerable 
Feeling so full of doubt 
Of examining every sweet thing 
That comes out yo' mouth 
Of the silence 
What?! You can't speak to me now 
I'm so tired 
Of trying to figure out 
Who you want me to be 
and, what it is you think you need from me
Of being afraid 
doubting & wondering 
Just what you see 
How many times 
Did you have to judge 
Before you finally figured out 
Who " I " really was 
Why don't you let me know 
What you're trying to do 
because, I've finally hit the breaking point 
That's right... 
I'm tired